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Bob Stout's Snippets : Linked List Functions
These snippets (code fragments) deal with manipulation of linked lists.

Bob Stout's Snippets (Others)
Other snippets by Bob Stout. You might find something useful here !!

Brian Brown's C Tutorial
A well-organised, complete tutorial for beginners. Not to be missed if you want to learn C.

C Language Tutorial at Graylab
A good site for learning C, with links for the reader to download source code.

C Standard Library Function Documentation by Ross Leon Richardson
Useful as a quick reference to the Standard Library functions... just in case you have forgotten something... but it is not very complete or comprehensive. Look around, anyone new to C should be able to learn something by browsing here...

comp.lang.c : Answers (abridged) to C FAQ
A FAQ with brief answers. Should be useful to anyone learning C.

comp.lang.c : FAQ by Steve Summit
Anyone who has just subscribed to the C Language Newsgroup and intends to post any message to the newsgroup this read this FAQ list first. Also useful for anyone learning C.

Introduction to C Programming by Marshall Brain
For those who have programmed in other languages like Pascal or Fortran and would like to pick up C.

Pete's C Page
Written primarily for students at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), the author claims that it is also suitable for anyone learning the C language. Some code available here which are worth taking a look... but anyone looking for a complete tutorial for beginners... there are better sites as listed above (my personal opinion).

Selected Help on the ANSI C Programming Language
Just a list of operators in C, their precedence and associativity presented in a table. Just for reference...

Steve Summit's C Programming Notes
Supplementary Notes to accompany the book, The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie (``K&R''). Useful to anyone who has bought the book and intends to learn C from the book. Well-written.

Download TC++ Lite at
This compiler which runs under DOS and only in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Its does not allow you to generate any .EXEs and hence you can only run your program from the IDE. Good software to learning C, though. Please read the instructions for unzipping the file.

Infrequently Asked Questions in comp.lang.c
A amusing site... Don't take this Q & A list seriously !! Hey, why are you getting incorrect floating-point results ?? Find out here !!

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