C / C++ Resources
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C/C++ Books
Learn C/C++ Today
by Vinit Carpenter
Peter Muller's Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in C++
Interface Technologies On-line Training Center
includes some Visual C++ and MFC stuff
Intro. to MFC Programming with Visual C++
Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide at SiliconGraphics
Frequently Asked Questions
Usenet C++ FAQs : comp.lang.c++
Usenet FAQs Objective C : comp.lang.objective-c
C++ Turbo Vision FAQ
General / Multipurpose / Misc. resources
pC++/Sage++ Info. Page
Genitor Corp. C/C++ Developer Resources
wxWindows : C++ Class Library Multiplatform GUI toolkit
The Programmer's Source : C/C++ Windows Development
C/C++ Programming Page
by Randy Hyde
Visual C++ Resources
Try these sites to find other links...
Infoseek C++ Guide
FTP Sites : Borland and Others
Programmer's Oasis C/C++
C / C++ Books
O'Reilly Programming Page
JoyMe On-Line Bookshelf : C/C++ Computer Books
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